- Monday, September 11, 2017


Most conservatives applauded when President Donald Trump nominated Jeff Sessions, then-senator from Alabama, to be the next Attorney General.  After eight years of the lawless Obama Regime, it seemed to millions of real Americans the rule of law would be restored.

While the list of lawless acts from the Obama Regime goes on almost forever, one that stuck with many conservatives was the use of the Internal Revenue Service to attack opponents of the Regime. 

Under disgraced former executive Lois Lerner, the IRS targeted Americans on the basis of their political beliefs for extra scrutiny or audits.  At the time, the IRS targeting scandal broke in 2013, Ms. Lerner was working with the Department of Justice to prosecute conservatives for the crime of being conservative.

No one was shocked with then-Attorney General Eric Holder and later his successor, Loretta Lynch, did nothing to protect the rights of real Americans. No one was shocked that they tried to cover up wrong doing, instead of trying to prosecute criminal violations.

The lawlessness of the Obama Regime, including the IRS targeting scheme, was one of the reasons America chose Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton to be the 45th president.

Last week, Jeff Sessions kicked conservatives in the gut when he announced there would be no prosecutions for the criminal actions that occurred at the Obama IRS. 

Ms. Lerner targeted people based on their political points of view. She intentionally misled federal investigators.  Others in the IRS destroyed and hid evidence of wrong doing. Current IRS Director John Koskinen repeatedly stonewalled congressional investigators, misled them and according to several Republican congressmen, lied to Congress under oath.

Instead of defending the U.S. Constitution and the rights of Americans, Jeff Sessions has given tacit approval to the left-wing weaponization of the IRS.  It is now open season on conservatives, and the IRS will look much like the Gestapo the next time the Democrats are in power.

Rep. Kevin Brady, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, nailed it when he said the action by Jeff Sessions means that IRS employees “will now have the green light to target Americans for their political beliefs and mislead investigators without ever being held accountable for their lawlessness.”

Rep. Peter Roskam of Illinois, who has been one of the most stalwart defenders of Americans against the IRS said, “The Department’s response blatantly ignores our most troubling finding: that Ms. Lerner intentionally misled federal investigators in a flagrant violation of the law. This is unacceptable and Ms. Lerner must be held accountable.”

Donald Trump ran on the slogan that he would drain the swamp.  It looks like Jeff Sessions did not get that memo. 

Actually, the real problem is that Jeff Sessions is a part of that swamp and has been for a very long time. 

The people who supported Donald Trump wanted a lot from Washington. These real Americans, the “forgotten men and women,” as the president called them, want real change. They want their voices to be heard again. They want the swamp drained.

These forgotten men and women are tired of being abused by an out of control government. 

Ms. Lerner is not the only IRS official who committed crimes.  The IRS targeting scandal should generate enough indictments and convictions to fill a cell block.

But that won’t happen now because Jeff Sessions does not have the courage to prosecute government officials who violated the law.

If he cannot do the job, he needs to leave and let someone do the job who is willing to go after these criminals.

It is time for Jeff Sessions to quit and if he doesn’t, it is time for the president to fire him.

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