- The Washington Times - Monday, October 9, 2017

It’s madness in California, as Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, of course, just signed into law a bill that creates special rights for LGBT senior-age adults in long-term nursing care that requires them to be referred to by their gender pronouns of choice.

Those who don’t? It’s off to jail they go. Free speech, anyone? 

At the least, violators could be forced to pay up to $1,000 in fines.

Technically, it’s called the “Bill of Rights” for seniors, and it came into law as Senate Bill 219 on the backs of Sen. Scott Weiner, a San Francisco Democrat, and the group, Equality California.

But more to truth, it’s a Madness Law, one that opens the door for silly transgender activists to demand they be referred to as they choose — a he as a she, a she as a he, and so forth and so on, until confusion abounds and sex assignments are ingrained into society as matters of individual choice, not God’s doing. What a load of deceit.

And the end game, of course, is the destruction of the traditional family.

Once again, it’s all being sold as a social justice endeavor — a human right.

“Our LGBT seniors built the modern LGBT community and led the fight for so many of the rights our community takes for granted today,” Weiner said, LGBT Weekly reported. “It is our duty to make sure they can age with the dignity and respect they deserve.”

So what that means is caretakers in long-term living facilities who “willfully and repeatedly” refuse to use a transgender resident’s preferred pronoun or name can be fined up to $1,000 or sent to prison for up to a year, the Daily Caller noted, citing the California Health and Safety Code.

The new provision also means LGBTs can use whatever bathroom they want at the care facility — no matter which one corresponds to their biological sex.

Tearing down the family, one new LGBT special right at a time.

But jail time?

So let’s get this straight: It’s OK by society to sling about the f-word and the n-word — it’s OK by both leftist standards and the First Amendment to use baseball bats and Molotov cocktails against those who support President Donald Trump, Robert E. Lee statues and the Confederate flag. But calling a man a she and a woman a he — that’s jail worthy?

Seems like California’s headed to a face-off between LGBT loons and those who’ve heard of the concept of freedom of speech.

Just because the governor signed on to this madness doesn’t make it legal.

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