- The Washington Times - Friday, October 6, 2017

Russia collusion it ain’t, but the next scandal that appears to be looming over the White House involves a former NBC producer, Bill Pruitt, and his claim that President Donald Trump has been captured on camera making a number of “unfathomably despicable” racist, sexist and anti-Semitic comments.

Wow. “Unfathomable.” That’s pretty bad. Especially for a secular world that’s pretty much used to fathoming all kinds of despicable things.

So what exactly did Trump say?

Well, Pruitt didn’t exactly say. But the former NBC “Apprentice” producer did plenty of titillating.

During a podcast interview on NPR, Pruitt said “No,” the comments Trump supposedly made weren’t simply sexist in tone.

Rather, they were very “much a racist issue,” he said, Mediaite reported.

And when asked if the alleged comments from Trump wrapped in “African-Americans, Jewish people, all of the above,” Pruitt said, “Yes.”

He couldn’t say more — nondisclosure agreements, you know. But that didn’t keep him from suggesting, offering sly innuendo, hinting.

Pruitt said “somewhere, in some warehouse,” there were tapes of Trump’s on-“Apprentice”-set comments.

“Out of those exchanges,” he went on, “came some really unfathomably despicable words said by this guy who is a TV star. I heard it. I watched it. And those things are somewhere in some warehouse.”


Maybe not.

But what’s not a maybe is that those who want to throw darts ought to be able to back their fiery rhetoric with something tangible. Tossing out an accusation with a “trust me, it’s true” type of plea doesn’t make it true.

It just makes it gossip — kind of like how the whole Russia collusion investigation is panning. Democrats, the left, must be getting desperate.

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