- The Washington Times - Friday, October 6, 2017

Even House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi admits any bans on bump stocks could bring on more Second Amendment controls.

Beware, conservatives, of banning anything to do with the Second Amendment.

Pelosi’s quite right. One chip in the constitutional block leads to another chip, and then to another chip and another. It’s the slippery slope of gun control.

And when you’ve got the highest ranking Dem in the House saying so — well, conservatives, it behooves to listen.

Pelosi’s words, during a recent exchange with a reporter at a press conference on Capitol Hill about a proposed ban on bump stock gun add-ons: “They’re going to say, ’You give them bump stock, it’s going to be a slippery slope.’ I certainly hope so.”

It’s not that this is a shocking admission. Second Amendment defenders already know that’s how the left plays the gun control game — one small, tiny step at a time.

It’s more that the NRA and President Donald Trump — in the face of such knowledge of how the left works, in the face of such blatant statements by Pelosi — are nonetheless considering a ban on bump stock accessories.

“The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations,” the organization said in a statement, after the Las Vegas massacre, committed at the hands of bump-stock firing Stephen Paddocks.

“In Las Vegas, reports indicate that certain devices were used to modify the firearms involved,” the NRA went on. “Despite the fact that the [Barack] Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law.”

And Trump?

Trump said “we’ll be looking into” a ban on the accessory.

A crisis should never be used as the platform to degrade the Second Amendment, though.

If this administration, if this NRA want to tackle bump stock bans, so be it.

But don’t use a massacre as a political tool. Wait for the passions to pass. Don’t let the left manipulate a ban.

Don’t let the well-worn remarks of Rahm Emanuel, one of the left’s loudest gun control advocates — who’s said on prior occasions to never let a crisis go to waste — prevail over constitutional rights and traditional conservative platforms.

Pelosi and her ilk should not be able to turn Vegas into their personal political tool.

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