- The Washington Times - Friday, October 6, 2017

Come Oct. 15, President Donald Trump may decertify the Iran nuclear deal, leaving Republicans in Congress to figure out how to manage the nuclear designs of the rogue nation.

Trump should. Decertify away. The pact is nothing but a false hope of the previous administration.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said in congressional testimony earlier this week there is “merit” to keep the pact in effect. So did Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

But really, there’s not.

The Iran pact was sold to a reluctant America public as a means of preventing the rogue nation from developing nuclear weapons — an idea that’s disingenuous at best, frighteningly naive at worst.

As Trump put it, during a speech to the United Nations a couple weeks ago: “That deal is an embarrassment to the United States and I don’t think you’ve heard the last of it.”

And just this week, Trump seemed to suggest Iran wasn’t living up to its end of the bargain — a sign he would quit the pact.

“The Iranian regime supports terrorism and exports violence, bloodshed and chaos across the Middle East,” he said, during a dinner at the White House reported by The Washington Post. “That is why we must put an end to Iran’s continued aggression and nuclear ambitions. They have not lived up to the spirit of their agreement.”

Yes, Trump should end the deal. Why should America continue to look weak on the foreign front, not just to Iran but to any nation that seeks similar concessions for their own sovereign interests?

America’s not getting anything out of this agreement with Iran — except a pretend semblance of security that the regime’s not going to develop nuclear weapons.

Obama wanted America to close our eyes to the true evils of Iran — to the very real intents of Tehran to develop nuclear weapon capability. Trump shouldn’t do the same.

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