- Monday, October 30, 2017

I’ve seen political grandstanding in my day, but Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, takes the cake. For the past nine months, Ms. Waters has been going on TV and around the country, whipping up predominantly black crowds into a frenzy over her impassioned “cause” to impeach President Trump, even threatening to “take him out” (which I assume doesn’t mean going out on a date with him).

My question is, where was her passion for impeachment during the turbulent 66-month period of July 2003 through January 2009, when the Democratic Party’s drumbeat was that President Bush lied us into an “unjust, illegal, unnecessary and immoral” war? This action, which caused the deaths of 4,500 American servicemen — plus countless tens of thousands of Iraqis — clearly was and still is the most egregious crime ever levied against an American president. Yet not one Democrat — including the impassioned Ms. Waters — ever bothered to lift a legislative finger to impeach him. Yet Ms. Waters is inexplicably obsessing over impeaching Mr. Trump, a president who has not committed even a whiff of an impeachable offense.

So with that in mind, I have a put-up-or-shut-up challenge for Ms. Waters: File articles of impeachment, and if it doesn’t go anywhere within one week, if it turns out to be nothing more than baseless rhetoric, resign your seat in disgrace.

During his campaign, candidate Trump contemptuously claimed that politicians were “All talk, no action.” Does anyone prove Mr. Trump’s charge more than the unhinged Waters?


Medford, N.Y.

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