- The Washington Times - Friday, October 27, 2017

President Donald Trump took to Twitter to blast millionaire Democrat and megadonor Tom Steyer as “wacky & totally unhinged” for spending big on an impeachment campaign against the commander-in-chief.

“Totally unhinged” might be a bit of an understatement. Add spendthrift to that list — wacky, unhinged and totally wasteful, too.

In case you’ve not heard, Steyer’s taken his publicly expressed distaste for Trump to TV Land, where he’s spending millions on an ad campaign aimed at taking down the president — or, as California Rep. Maxine Waters might put it, taking out the president. More specifically, Steyer calls for impeachment, and pronto.


Oh the usual. Trump’s an obstructionist, Trump’s a war-monger, Trump was rude to somebody’s sister, yada yada and so on.

“A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less,” Steyer said in the ad. “Today, people in Congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger.”

Viewers are then invited to visit the website, “NeedToImpeach.”

But that’s not all. Steyer’s reportedly mulling the spending of tens of thousands of more dollars on social media campaigns to press impeachment.

Well, that’s fine; that’s dandy. This is America, land of the free, country of the free market capitalist. Steyer can spend his money as he sees fit.

But at a certain point, leftist calls for impeachment reach a level called insanity. Absent crime, these cries start to fall on deaf ears.

Take Waters, for example.

Waters, with her own non-stop calls for impeachment — and lately, vows to “take out” this president — had been occupying the seat of insanity for months now, unapologetically so, even happily so, it seemed. She’s spent so much of her public platform on calling for Trump’s impeachment, in fact, that she seemed poised to receive the lifetime award for asinine politicking — the Capitol Hill’s version of Hollywood’s Oscars.

But now here swoops Steyer, bringing big money to the impeachment game. Poor Waters. How can she compete?

Steyers has certainly raised the standard of impeachment campaigning. Of course, he has his critics.

“Wacky & totally unhinged Tom Steyer, who has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from beginning, never wins elections!” Trump tweeted, on Friday.

Well, there is some truth to the second part of that presidential message. Steyer spent $90 million-plus on Democrat races in 2016. Yet who has the majority in Congress? Right, that’d be Republicans. And as for the first part of Trump’s message? Even more truths. Then again, one can’t argue with crazy.

Let Steyer be Steyer. He’ll learn soon enough of his folly.

This all-out war against Trump and call to impeach isn’t going to go so swimmingly.

Steyer’s misplaced ads may cost big bucks. They may even earn him big cheers from the leftist circuits — the Democratic halls of Congress, the Hollywood homes and donor parties. But when it comes to reality, Steyer’s impeachment rallies are going to prove unfruitful, ineffective, wasteful even. He’s a far leftist in a country of Make America Great America supporters — a radical progressive who can’t see the populist writings on the political walls. Steyer can certainly spend, spend all he wants, and cry, cry, as long as he’s able to purchase the platform, but in the end, bank on this: Trump will still be in the White House.

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