- The Washington Times - Monday, October 23, 2017

Talk about a gasp-worthy moment.

Jimmy Carter — yes, that Jimmy Carter, the Habitat for Humanity hammering former president who could never be confused, by any stretch of the imagination, as the slightest bit conservative — actually offered up words of defense for Donald Trump. Check the skies for flying pigs.

“I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president certainly that I’ve known about,” he said during an interview with The New York Times.

The title of The Times piece? “Jimmy Carter Lusts for a Trump Posting.” Apparently, The New York Times is just as confounded by Carter’s statement as the rest of us.

But Carter went on, speaking critically of the psychologist after psychiatrist and Democrat after establishment Republican who’ve come forward to slam Trump, from afar, as mentally unstable, and saying: “I think they feel free to claim that Trump is mentally deranged and everything else without hesitation.”

For instance, Rep. Zoe Lofgren from California said in a resolution in August that Trump should be forced to take a mental health evaluation. Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, just this month, has been out and about talking up Trump’s leadership in a negative light, claiming he’s taking America “on the path to World War III,” remarking that the “White House has become an adult day care center.”

And Carter — Carter! — has come to Trump’s defense?

Well now, there’s really only one way to take that, and it’s not, as The Times said, that Carter’s gunning for an insider job at the White House. Rather, it’s this: If you’re a Republican who is being defended by the far-left Jimmy Carter, then fact is, you’re a Republican who is being absolutely vilified, to historic, epic, unheard-of, never-before-seen proportions.

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