- The Washington Times - Friday, October 20, 2017

How low can you go — that’s the line that comes to mind while reading of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s recent sit-down with Chelsea Handler.

Yes, that Chelsea Handler — the one who’s known ’round comedy circles as never-too-busy-to-go-vulgar. She just tweeted a few weeks ago, for example: “Melania [Trump] to host a discussion on opioid abuse. She says unless you have to have sex with Donald Trump, you have no excuse to be on drugs.”

And then this, just this week: “When Trump joked that Pence ’wants to hang’ all gays he actually misspoke. He meant to say Pence wants to know how hung they are.”


Handler’s also not known for her political acumen, despite the fact she just announced she was tossing her Netflix “Chelsea” show in favor of political activism.

Here’s a sampling of her political punditry.

She tweeted a couple days ago: “Yay! Mike Pence’s brother Greg is running for his old congressional seat in Indiana. We’ve never had 2 gay brothers serve together!”

And before that, it was this: “Is there anyone dumber than @realDonaldTrump? Besides his children, and Melania? Does anyone know anyone dumber? Maybe tila tequila.”

OK. So into that mess comes Pelosi, agreeing to an interview with Handler on her late-night Netflix show.

Was CNN busy? Is Pelosi trying to get down with the street peeps? Why would a House leader — a sitting member of Congress — actually engage in a political discussion with this so-called comedian? It’s a mystery all right.

Maybe it’s because Pelosi knows she had a captive audience in Handler? Could be.

When asked about impeachment of the president, Pelosi said this, on Handler’s Netflix show, as The Hill noted: “I think an intervention is really needed here. It’s about the law and what happens — the facts and the law. And that equals grounds for impeachment or not. But I do believe this: We have to make sure the president knows what he’s talking about. And that’s why I say an intervention. What are the facts?”

Or, perhaps it’s because Pelosi knew Handler wouldn’t ask her to explain herself — to explain the mumbo-jumbo of “facts” and “the law” and making “sure the president knows what he’s talking about,” whatever that means.

Either way: It’s a curious pairing — Pelosi and Handler. A sitting member of Congress, and a — well, you decide. Here’s another of Handler’s tweets: “I’d like to play scrabble w/ trump without the right to use adjectives, and see who wins. Then, id like to shove all the letters up his ass.”

Right. There’s really nothing to add, now is there.

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