- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Just when you thought the Harvey Weinstein scandal couldn’t go any deeper — now here comes the Bill Clinton connection.

Apparently, Harvey helped buddy Bill bail out from his Monica Lewinsky troubles, financially speaking, that is.

“As if all of the current accusations of sexual harassment and assault against him weren’t enough,” Law Newz wrote, “Harvey Weinstein is also linked to a prominent sex scandal from decades ago. It turns out that back in the 90s, when President Bill Clinton was dealing with accusations that he lied about sexual activity with Monica Lewinsky, Weinstein and his checkbook were there for him.”

Oh, but of course.

The ties that bind — sexual harassers, after all, have to stick together.

The Washington Post actually reported that several Hollywood types helped out with Clinton’s legal defense fund back then. But it’s Weinstein’s name that kind of rises to the top right now — for obvious reasons. And turns out, Weinstein donated the maximum $10,000 to the fund. He also gave money to the Clinton Foundation — money that the charity just announced it would not return. But the Weinstein donation to Clinton’s legal fund was specific, aimed entirely at helping bail out the then-president from a sex scandal.

Sympathy for the devil? Two peas in a pod? The list of colorful phrases could fill a page. 

But fact is: Weinstein faces dozens of accusations of sexual harassment, to include rape, from scores of women. It just doesn’t look good that he’d donate money to help out a friend fight off his own sexual scandal. And yes, that’s perhaps the understatement of the year.

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