- The Washington Times - Monday, October 16, 2017

Dana Loesch, familiar face of Second Amendment activism, says she’s been driven from her home, forced to move, because lunatics on the left have threatened — repeatedly — to harm her.

“One guy hunted down my private cell phone number, called when police were here, threatened to shoot me in my front yard,” the National Rifle Association spokesperson tweeted over the weekend, as noted by Fox News.

Another tweet: “Another guy created a string of social media accounts, posted photos of my house, threatened to rape me to death.”

Oh, how nice. This is the fringe left — the same that thinks it’s OK to express political disappointments with a baseball ball and Molotov cocktail.

Loesch’s final straw?

They went after her kids.

“Another gun control advocate,” she tweeted, “after threatening to hunt me down and assault me, dragged my kids into it. … I’m grateful that my kids’ school worked with law enforcement and private security to ensure campus safety, and work with me.”

So she’s moving — packing her belongings and relocating.

“Spent my weekend preparing to move due to repeated threats from gun control advocates,” she tweeted, beneath a picture of packed bags.

Congratulations, leftists.

The same left that’s supposed to stand for social justice and women’s equality has taken a woman who stands for nothing more than the right of self-defense — a constitutional right, no less — and treated her as the enemy. How is that even logical?

That the left has gone after Loesch in so vicious a manner only exposes the utter hypocrisy, utter insanity of the anti-Second Amendment crowd. Gun haters hate guns so much for the violence guns bring — they’re prepared to fight, rape and kill for their cause. And now?

Now, let’s see if anyone in the Democratic Party issues statements of condemnation for Loesch’s haters, statements of support and compassion for her family.

Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, we’re waiting.

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