- The Washington Times - Monday, October 16, 2017

Traditionalists believe the way to success is to work hard, work tough and work determined, and eventually, the doors to the sought-after goal will crack then open.

The left believes more in grievances and lawsuits. Can you say Colin Kaepernick?

Potatoes, potahtoes. One side of America believes in values and morals; the other, crying for its way. One side sees free market and capitalistic principles the godsend of creativity and independence; the other, demands handouts as an entitlement for breathing.

Such is the melting pot called America.

Another way to look at it: Those of biblically sound minds know that rights are really few and far between — that most everything in life is a gift from God, unearned. And that this nation, based as it is on Judeo-Christian principles, is great because of its spirit of limited government, the one that presses home the point that self-achievement is a shiny star — socialism and all its demands for unearned handouts an egregious evil.

Then came Colin Kaepernick.

“Kaepernick files grievance for collusion against NFL owners,” blasted ESPN’s headline.

Say what?

Kaepernick is accusing NFL owners of collusion — of conspiring to “deprive” him of “employment rights in retaliation” for his “leadership and advocacy for equality and social justice and his bringing awareness to peculiar institutions still undermining racial inequality in the United States,” his grievance, in part, reads.

Well, there’s no such thing as “employment” rights — at least, as Kaepernick means it. Nobody has the God-given “right” to a job. Nobody has a constitutional “right” to work.

A job must be sought, earned, maintained.

The grievance should fall on that faulty argument alone.

That Kaepernick thinks he actually has a grievance is proof positive of how far this country has strayed into leftist lunacy. Kaepernick created his own out-of-work status by chasing a social justice butterfly on the field — on the same field where he was paid to play football. He used his place of work for a personal political cause.

He created a controversy. He divided a football nation. He fashioned himself into a political cause first; quarterback, second. He failed to do the job for which he was hired.

And now that he’s facing the consequences of his actions? He’s crying about unfair treatment and the loss of rights — as if he wasn’t guilty of poor work performance, as if a job were a right. He’s filing a grievance; he’s trying to demand what he’s not earned. 

Kaepernick is a classic, textbook example of a misguided, stereotypical millennial-minded, far-left guy who’s getting a wake-up call to consequences. In the real world, he’s being told, “you’re fired.” In his mind? He’s owed money, position, power, employment. It’s a sick, mentally unbalanced way of thinking. But this is the way of the left — and Kaepernick, congratulations. You’ve become the face of “what not to do” for an entire upcoming generation of properly taught, properly trained hard-working and principled Americans.

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