- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Lindsay Lohan, American partier-slash-actress-turned-Islam-follower, cut a curious video from Dubai about Harvey Weinstein — defending Harvey Weinstein.

Defending the guy who’s just been accused of rape by three women.

Ah, Islam. The religion of equal rights. Not saying Lohan’s ridiculous defense of seeming serial sexual harasser Weinstein is tied directly to her adoptive Islam beliefs.

Just saying it matches. It makes sense.

To put it bluntly, Islam prioritizes women somewhere below dogs, snakes and turtles.

There’s not much talk about sexual harassment and rape in the Muslim world. It’s generally just classified under Men’s Rights.

This, from Lohan — the woman who was captured by a Sun headline, “Lindsay Lohan wears a Burkini on the beach in Thailand after revealing she is studying Islam,” just this past July — now says this: “I feel very bad for Harvey Weinstein right now. I don’t think it’s right what’s going on.”

In case you’ve missed it — “what’s going on” is that the now-fired Hollywood film executive Weinstein is fighting off more than a dozen allegations of sexual harassment and most recently, rape, along with claims that he paid his reported victims for their silence.

And now? His wife, Georgina Chapman, announced she was filing for divorce. Who could blame her?


“I think Georgina needs to take a stand and be there for her husband,” she said in the video clip. “He’s never wronged me or did anything wrong to me. We’ve done several movies together. And so I think everyone needs to stop. I think it’s wrong. So stand up.”

Twitter wasn’t exactly applauding her view. Neither did former fans appreciate the strange accent she adopted while speaking her view on video.

“And here’s Lindsay Lohan DEFENDING Harvey Pervstein … and with her fake accent, no less,” wrote one, Mediaite noted.

Another: “lindsay lohan (and her whack accent) is defending Harvey Weinstein on her insta m [Instagram]. GOODBYE TO YOU FOREVER.”

And one more, blunter than the rest: “Lindsay Lohan is a f—ing nut. Ignore her.”

Not to put too vulgar or discourteous a spin on Lohan’s remarks — but really. It’s that last that kind of cuts to the chase, yes? But the deeper takeaway is this: If this is what Islam sells, maybe women shouldn’t be buying.

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