- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Mensa, the association of geniuses, has stepped up to the plate and suggested a surefire way to decide who’s smarter, President Donald Trump or Secretary of State Rex Tillerson — by offering to host an IQ face-off between the two.

And you thought this story was winding down. Apparently, North Korea has gone on vacation and immigration has been solved.

Perhaps it’s time to appoint a special prosecutor to gauge the IQ distance between Trump and Tillerson.

“American Mensa would be happy to hold a testing session for President Trump and Secretary Tillerson,” said Charles Brown, Mensa’s communications director, the Hill reported.

Talk about a story with legs.

Come on, Congress. It’s time to step in, step up and get in the investigative game. Perhaps Robert Mueller’s available to help with the inquiry. He’s not been able to uncover anything of consequence against Trump so far. Perhaps the IQ frenzy will prove his golden egg.

Mensa’s also released a press release, piggybacking on the national interest generated in Trump’s IQ. It reads: “Mensa IQ Tests Abound in October — Politicians Welcome.”

Does anyone else think this story has run its race?

OK, Tillerson maybe called Trump a “moron” — maybe even a “f—ing moron,” if the NBC journalist who broke the story in the first place can be believed. And OK, maybe Trump told Forbes that he’d beat the IQ pants off Tillerson any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. Or something like that.

Really — who cares?

Let’s get back to covering some issues that count. Curious minds want to know, for instance — what the heck happened to all the Russia collusion talk? Seems all this investigative brain power in the media could find something more important to cover, something more important to dig into and watchdog — unless, that is, all this IQ fluff is aimed at distracting from the fact the anti-Trump media can’t find anything concrete to ding the White House with yet.

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