- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Stephen Bannon, of Breitbart-turned-White-House-turned-back-to-Breitbart fame, has sent out a stern warning Republicans’ way, and it’s one that goes like this: I’m coming for you.

For you and your pretty dog, Toto, too — minus Sen. Ted Cruz.

Cruz is safe. But aside from Cruz, “no one is safe,” Bannon said, during a Fox interview with Sean Hannity about the upcoming elections.

“There’s a coalition coming together that is going to challenge every Republican incumbent except for Ted Cruz,” he said, The Hill reported. “There’s a basic agenda that Trump ran on and won. He carried states Republicans haven’t carried in living memory — Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. This agenda works. The American people voted for it.”

And yet, where are the Republicans who’ve jumped on board the Trump train? Few and far between. Most in office have ducked and dodged long-time campaign promises like Obamacare repeal — despite the fact that the president sitting in the White House would sign an Obamacare repeal bill.

Most in office have turned blind eyes to the border — still. Even as this president won the White House, largely based on a border control and law-and-order message.

Their excuse?

We don’t have 60 votes in the Senate.

“By the way, [Mitch] McConnell would not be majority leader unless Trump — in North Carolina and Missouri and Wisconsin — was able to carry those senators across the finish line,” Bannon said. “It’s incumbent upon them to back President Trump’s plan, but you don’t see it.”

So let the campaigning begin.

And watch: RINOs and establishment types need not apply. They’re about to go the way of Luther Strange — the incumbent senator from Alabama who was just upstaged and sent packing by anti-establishment Roy Moore.

“[My team’s] spending a ton of time with the grassroots organizations to make sure these candidates are fully vetted,” Bannon said. “They will take on incumbents in every state, and then they will take on the Democrats after that.”

Sounds good. Let’s get the elitists out and the humble servants of the people in. Americans are tired of all the rhetoric, press conferences and false promises. Americans are ready for a conservative sweep. After all, between the tea party and Trump, Americans have been voting for it for years.

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