- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 9, 2017

So a madman with a lengthy history of mental instability and violence strolls into church in Texas and begins blasting away, killing 26 and injuring scores more, and a Drexel University professor finds the cause of the mayhem and madness was — “whiteness.”

Is that a disease or something? A new psychological disorder?

Moreover — is it contagious? Should Americans grab their children and run?

According to online Drexel University professor George Ciccariello-Maher — maybe.

He told Democracy Now! in a recent interview that there is an “institutional apparatus” that simply “encourages” white males to “feel as though they’re on the losing side of history” — the “victims,” so to speak.

And it’s that victimhood mentality, he went on, Campus Reform noted, that leads many to lash out violently.

“You know,” Ciccariello-Maher argued, Campus Reform reported, “[President Donald] Trump makes hay out of the fact that white men, in particular, feel as though they’re the victims of this society, despite being in absolute control of it.” And this is something that is powerfully dangerous, and it’s why we’re not seeing only the rise in violent attacks, more generally, and the rise of far-right movements, but we’re certainly seeing, you know, clearly, sort of some very serious incidents of mass violence, as well.”

Yes, clearly — well, clearly sort of, that is. Meaning: Kind of but not really.

Don’t let the wishy-washy wordage get in the way of the message, though. Read on. He’s not quite done.

“Whiteness is never seen as a cause, in and of itself, of these kinds of massacres,” he said.

But apparently, they should.

“Whiteness,” Ciccariello-Maher said, “is a structure of privilege and it’s a structure of power and a structure that, when it feels threatened, you know, lashes out. [Whiteness] is powerfully dangerous.”

Powerfully dangerous. Indeed. In fairness, Ciccariello-Maher also said mental illness couldn’t be completely disregarded as a mitigating factor in mass shootings, like the one at the Texas church. But it’s whiteness that’s the more powerful danger, he suggested.

This is the same guy who recently tweeted “all I want for Christmas is white genocide,” Campus Reform reported. And he’s now exiled from the physical Drexel campus, for unspecified reasons. But he’s still teaching online.

Need more be said? 

The only takeaway here seems to be this: Parents, don’t send your kids to Drexel University. It’s not worth the chance of exposure to the lunatic fringe among the teaching staff.

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