- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 9, 2017

Five-hundred-and-ninety-three — that’s the number of homicides Chicago has seen this year so far.

Oh, apologies. That’s the number of homicides the gun controlling city of Chicago has seen this year so far.

You’d think it time to admit the anti-Second Amendment atmosphere isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, at least in terms of curbing gun-related violence — yes?

Nope. The city just came off a near-800 homicide count for last year. The mantra seems to be: Let’s focus on the positive.

For instance: “[T]he Chicago Tribune reports that gun-controlled Chicago had 681 [homicides] at this point in 2016. So 2017 has witnessed slightly fewer deaths, but is still on track to finish second in homicides,” Breitbart reported.

Guess that’s good news for the bean-counters. They can cite a drop in death.

But ’lest we forget — Chicago, run by liberals, liberals who are very likely protected by their tax-paid armed security details, is one of the nation’s riskiest places to live in terms of avoiding gunshot wounds. And yet, it has some of the toughest gun control laws.

And even more yet — its powers-who-be hate to be reminded of these realities.

“On gun control, Mr. President, keep our city’s name out of your mouth,” blasted a recent headline from the Chicago Tribune.

The opinion goes on to state, in apparent refutation of President Trump’s recent remarks: “Chicago does not have the ’strongest gun laws in our nation.’ That’s a lie. It’s not a ’misstatement’ or a ’falsehood.’ It’s a flat-out lie, and a cynical one at that, because it’s using the tragic — and yes, disastrous — number of homicides in Chicago as a cudgel to knock down any talk of sensible gun-law reform.”

Well, let’s be honest here. Chicago does indeed have some pretty strict gun control laws. In fact, they’re so strict that the easiest path to gun ownership within the city very much seems to be this: Join a gang.

Nevertheless, Trump’s at least partly to blame for Chicago’s high homicide rates — at least in the eyes of the left-leaning media.

More, from the Tribune: “Trump doesn’t care about the daily carnage on our city’s streets. Remember during the campaign, when he pledged he would solve everything, when he hinted of some magical police officer here who told him he knew just what to do to solve Chicago’s decadeslong violence problems? There’s no magical police officer. Trump has done nothing. Trump will do nothing.”

The question is, Chicago: What will you do?

Apparently — criticize.

“We’ll await your assistance, President Trump,” the Tribune piece went on. “Until then, kindly keep the name of our city out of your mouth.”

And this is why Chicago’s homicide rate won’t go down any time soon — because too many liberals turn blind eyes to the problem of gun-related violence, to the condition of the human heart, and try to point fingers every other which way they can. Sorry, Chicago, the president is not to blame for the city’s homicide rate. And here’s another quick tip: Neither are the guns.

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