- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 9, 2017

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has accused the “deep state” — a term applied to government holdovers opposed to the Trump administration — with ordering the mass shooting this week in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

The Infowars publisher and host of “The Alex Jones Show” linked the so-called deep state to the recent massacre during his internet and radio broadcast on Wednesday, three days after authorities said Air Force veteran Devin Kelley, 26, conducted the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history.

“And the deep state wants to embarrass Trump with more terror attacks and it’s all connected to the Antifa, this individual Devin Kelley in mental institutions the Air Force put him in. Trying to go to bases with guns to kill his commanding officers,” Mr. Jones said, referencing recent news reports indicating the shooter was previously institutionalized and had discussed targeting superiors at Holloman Air Force Base.

Kelley was “protected and then turned loose,” Mr. Jones said.

“You know he was told, ’You’re our little secret agent now of the deep state. You’re not going to go to jail. Don’t kill your commanding officers. We have a job for you.’ And just like a wind-up toy right out of a government mental institutions,” Mr. Jones said.

“That guy tried to kill his high command and they said, ’Put this guy into a black project. Scramble his brain. This guy’s a perfect candidate as a wind-up toy,’” he added.

Both an outspoken supporter of President Trump and a fierce critic of his opponents, Mr. Jones has spoken repeatedly about the “deep state” and its supposed plans for overthrowing the White House. Articles published on his Infowars website within just the last week boast headlines including “Deep State to Launch Massive Terror Attacks in US,” “Deep State & DOJ Plot to Sell CNN to George Soros” and “Donald Trump Exposed Deep State Lie About JFK Assassination.”

An article published by Infowars in September citing Republican consultant Roger Stone, Mr. Trump’s former campaign adviser, claimed “deep state operatives are putting sedatives in President Trump’s food and drink to make him more pliable and disoriented, according to multiple White House sources.”

Mr. Stone is a frequent collaborator of Mr. Jones, and his former boss, Mr. Trump, notably appeared on The Alex Jones show while campaigning for president.

“Your reputation is amazing,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Jones in 2015.

Mr. Jones has been in broadcasting for over a decade, but first gained national notoriety for his opinions on gun control after the December 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. He infamously claimed at one point that the shooting had been “staged” and a “cover-up,” and last month he alleged that the CIA had “recruited” Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza.

“The Alex Jones Show” boasts a weekly audience of about 50 million, Mr. Jones claimed recently. Mr. Stone told The Washington Times last month that his own program aired under the Infowars umbrella, “War Room,” received about 4 million viewers a week.

• Andrew Blake can be reached at ablake@washingtontimes.com.

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