- Tuesday, November 7, 2017

After more than two decades of writing about the Clintons, it is pretty dispiriting to see how my friends, the Democrats, have ignored my findings about that rapacious couple. I rather like the two-party system. Yet ever since the Clintons came to national attention — and to the attention of various law enforcement officials — they have done little for the Democratic Party except enrich themselves, a matter I have actually written several books about. Well, all I can say is that I tried, but all for naught.

Even when in the last election the Democrats lost something like 1,000 seats around the country, though in Washington schmoozing with their friends in the media, they paid little heed. Even Hillary, the inevitable one, lost, and to a man who had never run for high office in all of his 70 years. The Democrats got no wake-up call. They blamed it on the Russians, and today’s Russians are not even communists. It is all pretty depressing.

If the Democrats fail to rid themselves of the incorrigible Clintons soon, there may well be no Democratic Party left to abandon in 2020. If they had only begun to take my writing seriously back in 1996 they might still control thousands of seats of power that now have gone to the treacherous Republicans. America might still be a two-party country.

Yet I am not completely disconsolate. There suddenly appears on the scene a reader of my books, and she sits atop the Democratic Party. Her name is Donna Brazile, and she recently served as interim chair to the entire party. She is also a longtime Democratic strategist and a television commentator of great gifts. Whenever I have seen her, she has struck me as thoughtful and open-minded, at least relatively open-minded. Now she has written a book, “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-Ins and the Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House.” It is quite good, though if you have been reading me for two decades there is little here that will surprise you.

Yet coming from a member of the Democratic hierarchy, the book is sheer revelation. The party may be waking up.

Among the book’s disclosures is the revelation that President Obama left the party bankrupt. Moreover, the Clintons in August of 2015 made an arrangement to take over the Democratic National Committee while in control of Hillary’s campaign. That would be well before Hillary won the nomination from poor old Bernie Sanders. His subsequent contest was apparently a charade.

The agreement, Ms. Brazile writes, “specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised.” And Ms. Brazile goes on, “Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.” This the author says was “not illegal, but it sure looked unethical.” Ms. Brazile, that has been the Clintons’ modus operandi since Arkansas. Did I not try to tell you?

The Clintons have come up with nothing new since their days back in Arkansas, a state that has become ever more Republican since they headed up north. Every time Bill was up for election the shifty loans began, the desperate ploys for more money, the no-holds-barred lunges for votes. It was the beginning of what became what we now call Clinton, Inc. Ms. Brazile speaks of the mood of “self-satisfaction and inevitability” around the Clinton campaign’s headquarters in 2016. It was the same fated atmosphere that I remarked on in 2008. In fact, the Clinton crowd ran the same campaign in 2016 as Hillary ran in 2008 and with the same outcome. She was defeated in both races by beginners.

What is rather amazing is all the exalted claims that have been made for her as a politician and a policy wonk. At one point in 2016, President Obama was calling her “the most qualified presidential candidate in history.” Actually, the exalted claims have endured since her Arkansas days. Remember Bill saying a vote for him was a vote for two geniuses, “two for the price of one”? She still has credulous supporters out there claiming she is a genius. Well, now with the arrival of Ms. Brazile, we finally do have “two for the price of one.” Both Bill and Hillary are about to retire. Where does that leave the Democratic Party? Does it leave the party as bankrupt as former President Obama left it? I am afraid it does.

• R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. is editor in chief of The American Spectator. He is author of “The Death of Liberalism,” published by Thomas Nelson Inc.

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