- Tuesday, November 7, 2017

In an effort which would make Mao and Stalin proud, China is getting families into the spying game.  To celebrate its first National Security Education Day on Nov. 10th, the communist government is launching a ten-minute video for children explaining how to tell if someone in your family is working for a foreign government.  The video is aimed at 7-to-12-year-old kids and shows how a young boy learned how to tell if his father was giving information to the West.

The Chinese Society of Education, an association affiliated with the Ministry of Education, is airing the video, along with others for older children as part of its month of national security awareness, reports Quartz.  

The children’s production shows a son worried about his father, an engineer working in a factory, sending videos and images online to a foreign magazine.  The boy’s fears are realized, but the situation is resolved by the child’s grandfather, an old Chinese communist who saves the day and stops the transfer.  The video also shows evil Westerners enticing Chinese adults with green cards and other goodies. The father ends up turning himself in to the authorities who show him mercy and are easy on him, letting him keep his job.

The entire effort is married to a website which educates Chinese citizens on the new national security law passed in 2015.  The website includes a questionnaire to gauge one’s knowledge of national security issues and offers other educational videos as well.

Beijing also now offers approximately $72,000 to anyone turning in a Western spy operating in China.

With American millennials now showing evidence, according to polls, that they prefer a communist or socialist system to the American capitalist way of life, perhaps the Trump administration should set up its own website to educate ignorant American kids on the evils of communism. 

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