- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 7, 2017

My how a political star can fall.

Anthony Weiner, a name once synonymous with hubris and anti-Republican aggression, is now behind bars, paying a monthslong prison sentence for his sexual texting dalliances with an underage girl.

But as with the not-so-blind justice system in place in America, the former star of the Democratic Party will get about the cushiest jail sentence around.

You think that guy over there, the one in that dilapidated housing community, would receive this same treatment? Or how about that dude in the blue janitor’s uniform riding that bus?

Not likely. Weiner’s special.

Officially, Weiner will be at Devens Federal Medical Center in Massachusetts for incarceration and treatment of a sex addiction. But this is how the Daily Mail paints his new digs: [The facility] boasts tree-lined manicured lawns, dorm-like housing, sports fields and a recreation center. It also offers a number of leisure activities, including Weiner’s favorite sport — hockey — as well as a hobby craft shop, a music practice room, and cooking classes.”

That’s not a jail for sexual offenders. It’s a summer camp for the kids.

But apparently, it’s where all the bad politicians and white collar criminals go. Weiner’s prison mates include former Massachusetts Rep. John George, Jr., who’s incarcerated for embezzlement, and Raj Rajaratnam, the former billionaire founder of Galleon Group who’s now serving time for insider trading. Rajaratnam and Weiner can no doubt trade political war stories; both know Hillary and Bill Clinton, both hung with Sen. Chuck Schumer.

In 21 months — or maybe even less, if the court and jail systems see fit for an early release — Weiner will be out and about again, free from his cell.

What will he do once free?

Let’s hope even the Democrats have enough standards to keep this guy from seeking political office again. We know the left likes to float the idea of being an example of diversity. But come on — even the Democratic Party ought to shun sex offenders, especially sex offenders who’ve been caught with little 15-year-old school girls.

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