- The Washington Times - Monday, November 6, 2017

The mourning for the Texas church victims is not yet over — heck, it’s barely begun — and already, The New York Times, in all its left-leaning editorial board wisdom, is calling for gun control.

The title says it all: “It’s Not Too Soon to Debate Gun Control.”

Does the left ever stop?

The New York Times’ piece included a ticking timer to show how many hours, minutes and seconds since the Sutherland Springs, Texas, shooting and the death of 26. It also included similar counts of hours, minutes and seconds since other shootings, like the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, the shooting in Dallas, the shooting in Las Vegas, and others. Why?

To pressure Congress to act.

Of course, The New York Times fails to note that the Pulse shooting was an act of Islamic terror; the Dallas one, an act of anti-police targeting and takedown.

To the left, it’s all one and the same — guns are bad, so let’s make the bad go away.

“When Republican leaders have responded to past killings, their response was to block sensible, useful gun control,” the editorial board wrote. “They should not be allowed to delay effective legislation any longer. … This is the time.”

Gun control — or, more to truth, taking guns out of the hands of innocent, law-abiding Americans and putting them into the hands of government — is only but a hop and skip from a good leftist’s mind. But as always, their arguments are skewed.

If members of the Sutherland Springs, Texas, church shooting had been carrying guns into the pews, maybe fewer would have died. Maybe the shooter would have himself been shot and killed before he had chance to murder 26.

As Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton put it on Fox News on Sunday: “All I can say is that in Texas at least we have the opportunity to have concealed carry. And so if it’s a place where somebody has the ability to carry, there’s always the opportunity that gunman will be taken out before he has the opportunity to kill very many people.”


Once again, for the Democrats in the back of the room — for the Democrats, it should be noted, who are often carted from place to place by armed security guards, and who sleep behind gated and guarded walls: Guns don’t kill people. People carrying guns kill people.

And you can’t legislate away insanity or criminal intent or the wickedness of the human heart.

But you can protect against it, and it’s called the Second Amendment. More guns in the hands of the law abiding, not fewer — that’s the path to safety and security.

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