- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Progressive provocateur Keith Olbermann, who currently hosts the online “The Resistance” show, said he’s retiring from political commentary.

And one of his last political commentaries? That President Donald Trump would leave the White House sometime within the next 13 months, The Hill reported.

Yes, indeed. One of Olbermann’s final pronouncements is The End of Trump. How weighty. How somber. How eyebrow raising.

And how silly.

In other words: Don’t bank on it.

The impeachment of Trump has been a peculiar dream of the left since Trump was even sworn into office. Why peculiar? Because typically, one would wait for a crime to be committed — a crime of impeachable nature. But the left, driven by fury of Hillary Clinton’s loss and hatred of all-things-conservative, has managed to somehow finagle the impeachment talk front and center, into the halls of Congress and onto legislative calendars, based solely on a wish and dream.

Oh well, to each his own.

But don’t count on Olbermann’s dramatic pronouncement to bring about the desired impeachment goal, either, no matter how hard he insists.

“I am confident now even more so than I have been throughout the last year that this nightmare presidency of Donald John Trump will end prematurely and end soon, and I am thus also confident that this is the correct moment to end this series of commentaries,” Olbermann said, The Hill noted. “I am retiring from political commentary in all media venues. Thank you for all the kind words and all the support. Have fun storming the castle. My work here is done. Matter of fact, so is Trump’s.”

Well, no, not really. By calendar count, Trump has three-plus years left on his presidential term — and if anything, believe this: He’ll finish. The Democrats and progressives and leftists can dream all they want. But Trump will finish his White House term.

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