- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Come on, now. A House committee on Capitol Hill is holding a hearing on sexual harassment, to discern what policies, going forward, ought to be implemented to stop sexual harassment?

And what’s that you say, Lassie — the Senate side of things just passed a resolution that makes clear members, staff and even interns have to attend training on how to steer clear of sexual harassment?

Well, here’s the thing. Sexual harassment isn’t really that hard to pinpoint. Or avoid doing to another, for that matter.

The fact that hearings must be held and training must be implemented is cause for concern in itself. Why? Because it shows that after all these years — after case upon case of sexual harassment, sexual impropriety, sexual scandal involving some of Capitol Hill’s own — that legislative leaders are still walking around with blinders.

The hearings could’ve, should’ve even, been held years ago. Many lessons could’ve, should’ve even, been learned years ago.

Can you say Bill Clinton?

Lesson No. 1: When serving as president of the United States, do not use the Oval Office as a place of sexual frolicking with a young intern.

That’s a good basic tutorial right there. Textbook example of an abuse of power for sexual desires. Falls under the heading of sexual harassment.

Anthony Weiner gives another good example.

Lesson No. 2: While serving as congressman for the United States, or mayoral candidate of New York, do not make a habit out of sending sexually charged messages to young females, even if using an adoptive pet name, like Carlos Danger.

Got it? No sexting, while married, to other women. And as Weiner’s current prison term might teach, no sexting at all with little 15-year-girls. That could be construed as another case of classic, textbook harassment — at the least.

Here’s another; call it Lesson No. 3.

While serving — once again — as congressman for the United States, try not to assault a teenage daughter of a family friend and force her to participate in some kind of sexual act, and then, when busted, try and pretend it was all consensual. That’s called — get ready for it — Sexual Harassment. Go on, sound it out. Yes, David Wu, that means you, too.

Starting to see a trend here?

It’s all well and good that congressional members on Capitol Hill want to weigh in on this widely reported, widely shocking sexual harassment debate that’s taking place in America right now, largely on the heels of Hollywood’s Harvey Weinstein.

But really, Congress, it’s not that hard. It may require a little introspection — and for some, that may prove painful. But all in all, identifying sexual harassment is just not that hard. So here’s a recommendation: Rather than focusing so much on hearings and policies, how about a little more self-restraint? A little more self-control?

’Cause word on the street is Capitol Hill just ain’t the place for young, innocent girls to go.

From CNN, consider this, a report with words of advice based on interviews with more than 50 women on Capitol Hill: “Be extra careful of the male lawmakers who sleep in their office — they can be trouble. Avoid finding yourself alone with a congressman or senator in elevators, late-night meetings or events where alcohol is flowing. And think twice before speaking out about sexual harassment from a boss — it could cost you your career. These are a few of the unwritten rules that some female lawmakers, staff and interns say they follow on Capitol Hill, where they say harassment and coercion is pervasive on both sides of the rotunda.”

That’s quite a reputation you got there, Congress. So nice try with the formal talks. But it may take more than a resolution here, a hearing there, to purge the sexual harassment atmosphere from the Capitol Hill midst.

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