- The Washington Times - Monday, May 8, 2017

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a bill banning sanctuary cities in his state.

And in what must have been a particularly painful hat tip to the left, he did it during a Facebook Live ceremony. It’s almost like when John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence. As the story goes, he made his signature so large so that it would jump off the page to the king of England.

A real middle-finger salute to the most powerful man in the world at the time.

Well, now comes Abbott. He didn’t just sign the ban into law. No, he went all Facebook Livey with it.

Too funny. How the left doth hate.

The bill, as CNN puts it, “establishes criminal and civil penalties for local government entities and law enforcement that don’t comply with immigration laws and detention requests … [and fines] the government entities up to $25,000 for each day the law is violated.”

To Abbott, and those who join him in the world of reality, the law’s a safety measure — something that will protect the citizens of the state, and no doubt, neighboring states and the country at-large, from the criminal and possibly terrorist acts of illegals.

To the left, though, the law’s racist. The logic there? It goes like this: Illegals — those who don’t have any legal rights to be in this country — have as much right to be in this country as citizens.

Or something like that.

Here, maybe the ACLU can better explain: “This is not the Texas I know,” said Terri Burke, the executive director of ACLU-Texas in a written statement. “This racist and wrongheaded piece of legislation ignores our values, imperils our communities and sullies our reputation as a free and welcoming state.”

Nope. Still don’t get it. Still can’t understand the left’s opposition to border control, or the left’s love for opening city doors to illegals. Oh, well. Blessings come in many forms, right? After all, failure to understand one’s crazy is actually an underscore of another’s sanity.

So good for Texas; good for Abbott on standing strong on the side of law and order. And while protesters may already be lining the streets of Austin, you know who probably won’t be among the throng?

Illegals — at least come Sept. 1, when the new law-and-order measure takes effect.

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