- Sunday, May 7, 2017

As a delegate, member of the Asian Pacific American Advisory Committee to Trump for President, and ardent supporter of President Trump, I’m enthused by his bold vision for a simplified, yet pro-growth tax-reform plan. But he must not allow his proposal to become poisoned in Congress by a Border Adjustment Tax (BAT).

Rather than leveling the playing field and keeping American jobs here at home, the BAT will really become a sales tax on consumers. Estimates show that the average family will pay an additional $1,700 per year for their most basic needs, including groceries, gas, medicine and more. It will also hit a lot of retailers and small businesses that rely on the global marketplace to keep their doors open and hire U.S. workers. The BAT actually points to a failure by past trade negotiators, and it should be dealt with as a trade issue, not a tax issue.

Worst of all, it is another massive Washington cash grab from Americans. For years, conservatives have held their ground against the temptations of implementing a European-style Value Added Tax (VAT) to our code to prevent more unnecessary revenue going to the federal government. A BAT would do just that. We are counting on Mr. Trump to make the right decisions to protect jobs and the middle class, and reject the BAT.


Stoystown, Pa.

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