- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Finally — some tough love for leftist elitist entitlement-minded college students.

Lawmakers in Wisconsin, the Republicans ones at least, are pushing forward a bill that may very well lead to unruly, disruptive, fascist students on University of Wisconsin campuses — the ones who disrupt invited speakers and shut down scheduled speaking events — getting what they deserve: suspension and expulsion.

The Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities approved with an 8-6 vote a measure that would suspend or expel students who incite violent backlashes against campus speakers — the kind seen at Berkeley recently, that resulted in fires and smashed windows and injuries and police calls, all because of a scheduled appearance from former Breitbart notable Milo Yiannopoulos.

The six who opted against moving this bill forward? All Democrats — but of course.

“The very bones of this legislation are diseased,” said Democratic Rep. Jimmy Anderson, Fox News reported.

No — the very bones of the radicalized and fascist-minded students who can’t bear to sit quietly or, better yet, leave quietly, when someone of differing opinion speaks are what’s actually diseased. A bill like this has been far too long in coming.

After all, if even one taxpayer dollar goes into funding a place of higher learning, then shouldn’t at least one of the standards imposed on those students attending said place of higher learning be, oh I don’t know, say, No Violence Allowed?

The bill mandates a conduct hearing be held by campus authorities if two people register complaints about an interrupted speech or presentation at the school. Those students who are discovered to have engaged twice in disorderly conduct, or violence, during campus speaking events that infringes on another’s right to speak freely could face suspension. A third offense? Expulsion.

It’s a shame that colleges — where higher learning, free speech and pursuits of truths are supposed to freely roam — have to actually be force-fed a mandate to realize their core mission: education and expansion of minds. It’s too bad, in other words, university officials couldn’t just take it on themselves to adopt hard-line disciplinary approaches to not just wayward, but violent and crazed, student dissent. But such is the tone the collective left has brought upon the nation. 

UW-Madison students just shouted down Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro in November. Ann Coulter’s been on a leftist college hit list for some time. And fights actually broke out at New York University when Gavin McInnes, a founder of the “Proud Boys” group, tried to speak. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter-type mentalities have taken over some campuses; witness, the recent insane outbreak at Evergreen State College, where minority students demanded all Caucasians leave campus for a day.

Colleges, simply put, are in chaos.

This bill is just a very small step back toward sanity — toward restoring some semblance of learning at one of our nation’s higher places of learning. It’d be a good idea to echo it in state legislatures around the country.

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