- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 31, 2017

So President Donald Trump sent out a midnight Twitter message that contained a spelling error — and in double quick time, it became the joke of the world.

It was worse — way, way, way worse — than when Barack Obama thought there were 57 states.

Here’s what Trump tweeted: “Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” he wrote.

And that was it. No message followed.

Before 6 a.m., the tweet had been deleted. But too late; the damage was done.

The Trump Twitter feed gaffe was retweeted more than 127,000 times and ’Liked’ more than 162,000 times, all within the span of six hours.

Call it the joke heard ’round the world.

“Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my #covfefe,” wrote one poster, The Washington Post noted.

“What’s even the point of CNN is they’re not going commercial-free with #covfefe coverage?” another tweeted.

And a third: “The next time I go to Starbucks I’m gonna order a grande #covfefe.”

One poster even placed an image of a mock MAGA hat on a photo of Trump’s face, only instead of “Make America Great Again,” the cap’s text blared: “Make America Covfefe Again.”

It’s good to laugh. Even Trump did, tweeting out this message, just about 20 minutes after the gaffe post was deleted: “Who can figure out the true meaning of ’covfefe’??? Enjoy!”

But The Post apparently took the messaging a bit on the serious side. In its story on the tweet, the newspaper sidestepped from outside coverage a moment to adopt a more introspective, intellectual tone.

The writer pined: “The word ’covfefe’ does not appear in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. When searching for it on the company’s website, the dictionary suggest ’coffee,’ ’coven,’ ’cover,’ ’covet,’ ’covey’ and ’cuvee.’ Clearly it isn’t an English word. Some tweets employing ’covfefe’ offer the option to translate it from Norwegian, though that appears to be a glitch of some sort. ’Covfefe’ does not appear to be a Norwegian word, either.”

My goodness, The Post hasn’t done this much digging since Watergate days. Thanks for that, though.

Not to be outdone, Fusion kicked off a survey of readers to guess the pronunciation of “covfefe.” And let the trending topics begin. So much interested was generated by the Trump tweet, the Twitter trending topic feed contained two related hashtags: #covfefe and #Rosebud.

Rosebud, of course, is the famous last mysterious dying word uttered by Charles Kane in the movie, “Citizen Kane.”

Mark Dice said it best, though.

“Liberals are so perfect, they’ve never been in the middle of typing a tweet, and then been interrupted, and accidentally sent it #covfefe,” he wrote.

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