- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday attributed President Trump’s successful foreign trip to his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner’s foreign relationships.

“The relationships Jared was able to establish during the transition helped develop this phenomenal international trip that they just came back from,” Ms. Conway said on Fox News.

She also said the White House is not concerned about the reports Mr. Kushner discussed back-channel communications with the Russians.

“As you heard [national security adviser H.R.] McMaster and [Homeland Security chief John] Kelly say over this weekend, they’re not concerned,” she said. “Back channels like this are the regular course of business and that’s really all that we know. And I think it’s important to recognize that the president has expressed full confidence in Jared Kushner and also went on to note the considerable progress and very large, important portfolio that Jared oversees here at the White House.”

Ms. Conway declined to comment on The New York Times report that Mr. Kushner met with a Russian banker for reasons the FBI is still investigating, but she did comment on White House Communications Director Mike Dubke’s decision to leave the administration.

“He has expressed his desire to leave the White House,” she said. “And he made it very clear that he would see through to the president’s international trip.”

Mr. Dubke announced Tuesday that he would resign at an undetermined date for “personal reasons.”

• Sally Persons can be reached at spersons@washingtontimes.com.

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