- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Captain America, say it isn’t so.

The actor who plays Captain America, Chris Evans, has launched a fight against President Donald Trump, taking his public platform in a new political direction to talk up how bad the commander-in-chief is to any fan who will listen.

Talk about ’dissing your fans. Evans’ contempt for Trump voters is akin to Hillary Clinton’s likening of them as “deplorables.” At least Clinton doesn’t need people to buy tickets to her movie to make a living, though.

And as Breitbart noted: Sideswipe a Trump fan, chances are pretty good you’re sideswiping a Marvel fan as well.

“Evans has expressed deep contempt for what he considers to be the ignorant masses of Americans that voted Donald Trump into the White House,” the news outlet said. “These are, however, the very masses that make up the core viewership of Marvel’s superhero movies.”

Evans said he can’t help speaking out against Trump — the president makes him so mad.

“I fee rage,” he told Esquire. “I fee fury. It’s unbelievable. … I mean, guys like Steve Bannon — Steve Bannon! — this man has no place in politics.”

What — and you do, Chris?

Anyhow, he’s gone on several Twitter rants in recent days against Trump, rants that include slams like, “this man disgusts me,” and this man has driven the “wave of ignorance and hate.”

It’s not that Hollywood’s known around the nation as a bright spot for political analysis. But what is curious about Evans is that he’s basically slapping the faces of those who feed him.

But besides that, how very un-Captain American like.

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