- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Let the abortions commence. Planned Parenthood just celebrated its Supreme Court win over Texas lawmakers seeking to regulate its clinics by reopening one of its abortion facilities in the state.

The cheers from the jubilant left are nearly drowning out the wails of the aborted souls.

It was 2013 when then-Gov. Rick Perry signed regulations into law mandating that clinics offering abortions abide by certain operating room standards, and that doctors performing the procedure obtain and hold hospital admitting privileges.

The left went nuts, characterizing the standards as anti-woman, particularly after the rules led to the shuttering of more than half of the abortion facilities in the state. So off to court Planned Parenthood went.

One of their biggest cries?

Women wanting abortions couldn’t just hop and skip to their local facility. They had to drive 50, 75, 100 miles or so to find a clinic that would provide the abortion.

“For so many women, the barriers of distance are real and [that] kept them from making the decisions they might have preferred to make,” said Kelly Hart, a spokesperson for the Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, in The Washington Post.

Talk about hardship. It’s like they were forging the Wild West again, traversing rocky lands through dangerous territories, dodging hostile Indian arrows and roaming rattle snakes and such. Only instead of the ol’ family homestead as the motivating prize — the keep on keeping on fire in the belly — it’s an abortion.

Wonder if they found watering holes on the way, or if they were forced to drink their own urine?

Anyway, so about a year ago, U.S. Supreme Court justices, 5-3, found the Texas regulations unconstitutional. And now, Planned Parenthood is trying for a comeback.

The organization just reopened its facility in Waco.

Well, isn’t that special. Once again, the planets have aligned for Planned Parenthood and staffers, it seems, can get back to their business of killing babies while administrators mask it as women’s rights.

Republicans are staging a comeback of sorts in the state as well, pressing legislation that would ban second-trimester abortions — the dilation and evacuation procedure that even hardcore abortion rights people have to admit: it’s getting a little late in the pregnancy game to change one’s mind.

Whether those restrictions will pass or not is still unclear. Republicans in the Senate passed the measure, but it’s stalled a bit in the House — in the Republican-dominated House, no less. So what’s the holdup?

Chances are, lawmakers are worried about another suit. And in a way, they should be. Planned Parenthood has gone out of its way to show their clinics aren’t simply abortion providers — that women frequent their facilities to receive all kinds of health care and that abortions only comprise 3 percent of its services. But America’s on to the tall tale. As truer statistics have recently revealed: About 1 in 8 women who go to Planned Parenthood do so for an abortion.

“Planned Parenthood actually accounts for 30 percent of the total abortions performed through the U.S.,” Fox News reported.

Eh, 3 percent, 30 percent — potatoes, potahtoes, right? Thing is: It’s a human life. And as the left always likes to argue, if a policy or piece of law can save even one human life — even one! — then it’s worthwhile. After all, it’s for the children, all for the good of the children.

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