- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Bill Nye the “Science Guy” has gone kiddie porn pusher — or very nearly. He’s about one step behind.

In his new Netflix series, “Bill Nye Save the World,” Nye talks to a roomful of adults about the “lots of flavors to sexuality” that exist. Fine and dandy. Free country; Netflix can put out whatever shows it wants. But why then use of a little kid cartoon to make that very adult-age point?

The film he shows uses cartoon ice cream cone characters engaged in sexual activities. Say whaah? Yes, you read that right.

Here’s the context of the cartoon: The vanilla ice cream cone, the one depicted as Christian and heterosexual, is concerned about the off-flavor fleshly habits of the other cones and as such, is holding a conversion therapy session.

For that, the other cones groan.

As one flavor after another expresses disgust and disdain with Vanilla’s insistence they drop the gay way and try to convert to heterosexuality, viewers can’t help but wonder: What age audience is this for, anyway?

Shockingly, it’s got to be the kids. Adults may be seated next to Nye on stage, watching the clip. Adults may be in the audience — and the Netflix series itself may be aimed at an adult-aged crowd. But truth is, adults don’t need cartoons with English-speaking characters and English-language subtitles to teach about the differences of sexuality opinions — to teach vanilla is boring and other flavors don’t have to change simply to appease or please the “big ice cream in the sky.”

And adults don’t need to have a mint chocolate chip seductress set the stage for a cone orgy of all flavors.

That’s a show a child molester might play for his young victim, while prepping and preparing the way of sexual assault.

In fact, that’s what this whole video seems — a grooming film for child sexual molestation.

So what’s the deal with Nye’s promotion of it?

He introduces it: “We are enlightened and forward-thinking, but not everyone sees it this way. But there are lots of flavors to sexuality.”

And post-cone orgy, he concludes it: “That was cool wasn’t it. It’s a brilliant premise doggone [it].”


Disturbing is more like it.

It’s a kiddie cartoon that teaches gay sex is good by showing ice cream cones licking on each other in sexualized manners.

That’s not so much “cool” as pornographic. And Nye’s promotion of it, with the apparent blessing of Netflix, is not so much creative and ingenious as it is a red-flag reveal of wrong-minded, perverted thinking.

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