- The Washington Times - Monday, May 29, 2017

Rep. Maxine Waters, once again, has gone on national television to talk about impeaching President Donald Trump — to double down that time’s a-tickin’ and Americans are weary of waiting.

This is a woman who has been blinded by hate.

This is about the umpteenth time Waters’ has called for Trump’s impeachment. And her bizarre failure to recognize that Trump’s not yet committed an impeachable offense just moves her ongoing campaign to remove the president from the White House, by whatever means necessary, into the category of crazy.

Waters hates Trump so much that she’s lost her ability to think — her ability to separate reality from fantasy.

Here’s her latest rant, delivered on MSNBC, noted by Breitbart: “[T]he American public is growing weary of all these actions without enough being done by the elected officials who they elected to represent them. I believe that this man [Trump] has done enough for us to determine that we can connect the dots, that we can get the facts that will lead to impeachment.”

Didn’t she just say that Trump hasn’t committed an impeachable offense — that lawmakers need to go digging to get the offense? Yes, why yes she did.

But she’s blind.

Waters goes on: “I believe there was collusion. I think we have enough information about the meetings, about the lying about those meetings, to help us understand that something was going on. There was an interaction there. And certainly I believe it was collusion, but if they just do their work and do their job, they will find out it was collusion.”

Again, the facts aren’t evident — but Waters wants a fishing expedition to find some facts that’ll stick. That’s what’s called a witch hunt, people.

More from Waters: “And I believe this president should be impeached. I don’t care what others say about ’it’s too soon, we don’t know, we think.’ I think that they’re letting the American public down by not delving deeper into what is going on with Jared Kushner and this back channeling, about the lies and his failure to disclose he had had these meetings, the same thing with [Jeff] Sessions, failure to disclose about the meetings. What more do we need?”

Well, to answer: An impeachable offense.

But this is not a lawmaker who’s content to wait for facts. Waters, truthfully, has gone off the deep end on the impeachment calls. This is a woman, at this point, who ought to be pitied for her mental instability and utter blindness to reality — and for the fact that the media attention she so craves as a means to make her impeachment push is only accommodating her for exploitation purposes. Waters has become a circus act, and it’s really getting a bit sad.

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