- The Washington Times - Friday, May 26, 2017

Hillary Clinton, during delivery of a Wellesley College commencement speech, may have inadvertently made Hillary history — by telling a truth that quite possibly nobody will dispute.

What was it she said?

That she hit the bottle a bit hard in the days following her lost bid for the White House to Donald Trump.

We all knew it. Right? We all guessed Clinton’s absence from the public stage meant she was probably home, swallowing her grief with some Jack Daniel’s, or something else of equally sizable proof percentage. But now — and this is the surprising part, given Clinton’s record for lying while denying lying — we all know that Clinton knows it.

The woman actually admitted a truth. A real truth.

“Long walks in the woods,” Clinton said, telling the graduates how she coped with her devastating, humiliating, unexpected, bone-shaking, head-pounding, migraine-inducing, hurry-run-and-get-me-my-gun loss.

To Trump.

“Organizing my closets,” she went on, listing another distraction from the devastation, the Hill reported.

And then came this: “I won’t lie. Chardonnay helped a little, too.”

It’s not the drinking that’s the astonishment. It’s the fact that Clinton uttered the words, “I won’t lie” — while, in fact, not lying.

The public, of course, is quite accustomed to Clinton claiming to be telling the truth while mouthing all sorts of lies. There was the time she lied about her support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

There was the time she lied about statistics involving black crime and the racist justice system. And how about the time she lied about her home-based email server? That one was really more a string of lies — a long-running mantra of lies — rather than just a one-time shot.

But who can forget her lies about the investigation into Benghazi and the terror attack’s supposed ties to a YouTube video? And so forth and so on.

We’re just not used to Clinton saying she’s telling the truth — and actually doing so. It’s a shock, a celebratory moment, even. Maybe the federal government should declare a national holiday or something?

At least let there be cake.

Who knows, maybe even Clinton will one day look back on that all-so-famous liner slung during her congressional testimony on the terrorist attack in Bengahzi, Libya — you know, the one where she cried out, as part of her reply to Sen. Ron Johnson, who was trying to get at the truth, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” — well, maybe she’ll look back on that moment in time and say, in pure puzzlement: What the heck was I thinking?

Of course the truth makes a difference!

OK. You’re right. Let’s not get carried away.

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