- The Washington Times - Friday, May 26, 2017

Terrorists bearing guns and bent on wiping out Egypt’s non-Islam population went on a persecution mission Friday and attacked a bus carrying Coptic Christians, killing more than two dozen.

Looks like an ISIS duck, smells like an ISIS duck, even walks like an ISIS duck — just hasn’t yet been formally claimed by ISIS.

Here’s the real horror of this particular attack: “A journalist at the Copts united website said many of the victims appeared to be children,” The Washington Post reported.

Government spokespeople said another 16 or so aboard the bus were also injured. Local media report the number of injured at 25.

The bus was traveling to St. Samuel Monastery when 10 masked men, some in military uniforms, all bearing assault rifles, stepped from two vehicles parked on the side of the road and started peppering the bus with bullets.

So far, no group has stepped forward to claim responsibility for the deaths. But make no mistake — this is an ISIS campaign. ISIS has been on a steady tear to rid Egypt of all things Christian.

Just a month ago, dual bombing strikes at churches in Alexandria and Tanta left 44 dead — 44 church-going Christian Copts dead. And in December, a bombing of a church in Cairo killed 25. To blame in those terror hits? ISIS.

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