- Thursday, May 25, 2017

The international community must save the Venezuelan people from corrupt Nicolas Maduro’s communist dictatorship. The free world and President Trump must help through sanctions and diplomacy to prevent total economic disaster and the massacre of Venezuelans by Cuban military and Venezuelan security forces.

Strongman Maduro provides much cheap oil to Cuba and has the protection of Raul Castro, who sends dozens of Cuban generals, thousands of Cuban intelligence agents and various sniper and assassination teams. Mr. Maduro also has the support of Iran, with regular flights from Teheran bringing arms, money, Iranian intelligence agents and advisers. He has over 100,000 Venezuelan security forces working for him, along with paramilitary units and feared Chevista militias.

With Cuban communist guidance, the leftist dictatorship has turned Venezuela from a wealthy, free-market nation into a mismanaged socialist disaster where poverty, corruption, misery and zero human rights prevail.

Until a branch of Venezuela’s armed forces turns against the dictatorship, the slaughter of civilians continues one-sided, with over 50 known demonstrators killed since January. The possibility of a break in the armed forces appears to be increasing as riot police are worn out from taking on thousands of demonstrators almost daily. Soldiers and policemen are also suffering hardship and hunger from Mr. Maduro’s senseless economic policies. The average monthly income is now about $50 in Venezuela.

The dictatorship is worried that they are losing the war. There are no rich and evil corporations to take over and rob anymore. As private property was confiscated by socialist-ideology enforcers, private businesses and anyone with money escaped when they could. The currency value is now near zero and the inflation rate is nearly 500 percent.

Recently government enforcers have conducted attacks against middle-class neighborhoods inhabited by Maduro critics. The security forces, national guard and the Chavez militia fire tear gas into homes, break down doors and destroy private property. Since April they have invaded 11 different residential areas in Caracas. The paramilitaries and Cubans show up at anti-government protests, firing weapons and running people down with motorcycles. Under the great leadership of Mr. Trump the free world and international community must use its power to reign in Cuba and the Cuban proxy war in Venezuela.


U.S. Marine Corps (retired)


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