- Wednesday, May 24, 2017

As a nation, we celebrate and give thanks to our veterans. We mourn those whom we’ve lost in defense of this great nation. And, we must never forget the unthinkable pain for families whose loved ones have not returned home.

To serve one’s country is a selfless act. Our men and women in uniform uphold the promise they made to serve this nation with honor and courage. We must redouble our commitment to never leaving one of our own behind.

Currently, more than 83,000 American service members remain unaccounted-for from World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam. While several nations have worked to assist the United States in research and recovery efforts, many challenges still exist when it comes to negotiations and operations.

That’s why I have introduced the “Keeping Our Promise to MIA/POWs” resolution in the House of Representatives. H. Con. Res. 61 expresses the sense of Congress that any nation seeking to potentially enter into a mutually beneficial trade agreement with the United States should provide reasonable access and partnership with the United States for the purposes of research and recovery of our unaccounted service members.

This noncontroversial, bipartisan resolution — Rep. Gerry Connolly, Virginia Democrat, is a co-sponsor — does not serve as a precondition for trade deals, but sends a message that this nation will uphold its eternal promise to our Armed Forces to always work to bring our men and women home. No matter the circumstances we face. No matter the time that has passed.

Our freedom is not free. The families of our prisoners of war and those missing in action truly understand this to the depths of their souls. May they know that the United States of America will never give up searching for one of our own, and we will do everything in our power to bring them back on American soil.

This nation is united by our liberties and freedoms that our men and women in uniform take an oath to protect and defend. We will never stop searching for our brothers and sisters who fought in battle to uphold our way of life. May God always carry them, and all our service members, in the palm of his hand.

Republican Rep. Glenn ’GT’ Thompson represents Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District. He serves on the House Agriculture Committee, where he is chairman of the subcommittee on nutrition, and also on the House Natural Resources Committee and House Education and the Workforce Committee.

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