- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Katy Perry, pop star-turned-Hillary Clinton-gal-Friday-turned-anti-Trumpeteer, offered up the bubble of all bubble responses to the terror attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester that left adults and kids alike dead and injured — and it went something like this: All we need is love.

“No barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist,” she said, while calling for “the greatest thing,” and that is to “just united and love on each other,” Breitbart noted, citing her remarks on an “Elvis Duran and the Morning Show” appearance.

Here’s a thought, Katy: You first.

Go on with your bare-headed, bared-midriff self to, say, the streets of Syria or Iran right now and put on a feel-good, for-the-love-of-it-all free concert to, as you say, “unite” the world. Don’t forget the self-address, postage-paid box — so your head can be shipped back to your loved ones.

Or, try the same in Saudi Arabia, America’s friend to the end among all the Middle East muddle and mess. Surely, the Wahhabis won’t mind a prancing, dancing Perry gabbing about, half-dressed, calling for world peace. Right?

There’s no face acid in love.

“We’re just all loving on each other, and we should just stay loving on each other,” Perry went on, before sending a message directly to the Grande concert-goers traumatized — rightly so — by the terror attack. “If this gets out to anyone, I just want to say that I love all of you out there, and I just know that some of our fan bases kind of go both ways. Ari [Grande’s] fans are my fans, and my fans are Ari’s fans. Tell everyone, ’I love you,’ today.”

Well, everyone except the 22 whose body parts were dashed to pieces and slung in all directions by the force of the terror attacker’s suicide bomb. And probably not the surviving family members of the little 8-year-old girl whose life was cut tragically short by — BAM! — a bomb blast that struck in the midst of what was probably her dream night out, an Ariana Grande concert. It’s probably safe to say those family members aren’t exactly in the mood to hear the shout-out to love being showered by Perry onto her fans, the world and yes, even the terrorists at this point in time.

Perry’s remarks came on the heels of a tweet put out by Grande herself, post-terror attack, that went like this: “broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. I don’t have words.”

And shifting gears a bit and going into the political world, Perry’s remarks also came as Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy went on national television, on CNN’s “Situation Room,” to — get this — suggest Trump may actually be to blame if a Manchester-type attack hit American soil any time soon.

“Many of us are worried,” Murphy said, “about some of the rhetoric of the Trump administration, because we worry that that, combined with robust online recruitment, might end up in an attack like this happening in the United States.”

OK. Did he just suggest that Perry ought to be president?

No — but the logic that brings up that line of thought is about as baffling as the one being used by the left to dismiss the whole reason behind the Manchester suicide bombing that killed 22 and injured a now-estimated 120: Islamic-based terror.

One more time, for the singers and Democrats in the back of the room: Islam is tied to terror. Loving on these radical adherents of Islam, or shutting down the speech of those who speak of radical Islam, will not solve the Islamic-tied terror problem.

It will only embolden those in the Islam faith to quicken their attempts to subdue and spread. And those who live in bubbles, in lands of fantasy and shelter and comfort, ought not offer up words of comfort or wisdom when they haven’t a clue about facts and hard truths. Sorry, liberals. Force must be met with force; only military might will wipe the blot that’s called Islamic terror from the earth. You can’t simply hug the terror out of a terrorist.

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