- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos, conservative writer, went on a rant against Ariana Grande on his Facebook account, calling out the pop star for her naive views of Islam.

Much as Grande is hated by conservative America — and rightly so, given her disgusting, elitist 2015 mumbled hatred of the U.S. to her boyfriend, as she licked a donut and put it back on the shop shelf — fact is, maybe this is a bit unfair.

You decide.

Yiannopoulos wrote: “Sadly, Ariana Grande is too stupid to wise up and warn her European fans about the real threats to their freedom and their lives. She will remain ferociously pro-immigrant, pro-Islam and anti-America. Makes you wonder whether they bombed to attack her or in solidarity.”

There are plenty of celebrities with views that are identical, or even more anti-American, pro-open borders, blind-to-Islam than Grande’s. Could’ve just as easily been a Katy Perry concert — a Madonna concert.

Singling out Grande for stupidity is a bit unfair, mostly because it suggests her sheltered, bubble views are hers and hers alone. The real problem is the most powerful in politics oftentimes hold these leftist, head-in-the-sand views of Islam. And that’s where these open borders, red carpet roll-out to refugees and mostly Muslim migrants comes from — not from Grande.

She rides that train, yes. But she’s not the conductor.

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