- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Twenty-two people were killed and another 59 injured in what British Prime Minister Theresa May is calling an “appalling terrorist attack” at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester Arena.

And surprise, surprise, it wasn’t long before ISIS claimed responsibility.

“One of the soldiers of the Caliphate was able to place an explosive device within a gathering of the Crusaders in the city of Manchester,” a statement from the terror group posted on Telegram read, Reuters reported.

Can we please stop acting as if Islam is a blanket religion of peace — that when it comes to Islam and violence, there’s a nothing to see here, go home to your families type of reality? 

People are dying from such nonsense.

Another radical Islamic speciality; another win for the allahu akbar crowd. The hit comes after ISIS, long ago, called for more lone wolf attacks on those living in the West.

“We have been treating this is as a terrorist incident,” Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said during a news conference, The Washington Post reported. “We believe at this stage the attack … was conducted by one man.”

The threat level Brits have been living under, as set by MI5, British intelligence, has stood at “severe” for months. That’s the second highest level — and it means a terrorist attack is thought to be “highly likely,” The New York Times reported.

Why the threat level?

“Counterterrorism officials have been warning that as the Islamic State comes under more military pressure in Iraq and Syria, it will try to strike abroad,” the newspaper said.

The attack comes as border debates, not just in America but across the United Kingdom, have been swirling in controversy. On one side are those who see borders as necessary tools to keep out national security threats; on the other, the far left — or those who see people as people, no matter where they’re from, and who say simply being human means you have a right to travel anywhere at will.

And once again, we have a terrorist attack from an Islamic-tied group taking advantage of the leftist dream-world way of thinking. This time, 81 seem to have suffered directly for it. Next time? Anybody’s guess.

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