- The Washington Times - Monday, May 22, 2017

Vice President Mike Pence’s graduation ceremony speech at Notre Dame caused quite a few students — offended students, apparently — to exit, stage right, and leave the event.

America, meet the graduating class of 2017 — too weak to listen to countering views.

“Videos showed some students standing as Pence took the podium, then walking out of the ceremony and gathering outside Notre Dame Stadium, where they held a short alternative ’graduation ceremony,’ ” CNN reported.

There was nothing impromptu about this.

It’s not as if the students were sitting politely as Pence spoke, and then he said something so outrageous that it sparked a sudden outcry, and the result was a mass walk-out. No. This was a pre-planned walk-out.

It had its own hashtag and all, #WalkOutND.

That means students decided prior to the ceremony that Pence — who’s openly Christian, and was chosen to speak at the Catholic university in part, because it’s located in his home state of Indiana — didn’t have anything of importance to say to them. And the reason the students decided that is because Pence is conservative and they’re not.

The activist group We Stand For, which planned the walk-out, suggested Pence’s policies as vice president and while Indiana governor harmed minorities and discriminated against people for their sexual orientation, skin colors and religion. Like most far-left protest groups, though, the allegations were short on fact.

When exactly did Pence discriminate? We still don’t know.

What we do know is that between 100 and 146 students participated in the walk-out. The university estimated 100; the protest movement’s Facebook page put it at 146.

And we also know this: If this is how these students — graduates of an elite, competitive college that supposedly provides a top-notch education — are prepared to go forth in life, then they’re on a quick path back to mommy and daddy’s home. Fleeing a job because someone at work is, say, a President Donald Trump fan, and expecting the employer to understand, is not going to win the same level of coddling and admiration that fleeing a speech by a conservative on a campus does. Time for these snowflakes to grow up — and quick.

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