- The Washington Times - Monday, May 22, 2017

Joe Biden, former vice president, spent the better part of campaign season 2016 dodging in and out of the “yay” and “nay” camps on running for the high White House office, before ultimately falling into the latter category.

And now, it seems, he’s at it again.

After issuing a conclusive statement a few weeks ago during a Democratic Party dinner in New Hampshire that he wouldn’t run in 2020, well now it seems he actually might.

First, the New Hampshire dinner remark on May 1: “When I got asked to speak, I knew it was going to cause speculation. Guys, I’m not running,” he said in reply to a question about his 2020 run for the high office, International Business Times reported.

And those remarks came on the heels of one made on “The View” in January, which went like this: “I have no intention of running for president, but I do have the intention to stay deeply involved in everything I’ve done my whole life.”

Apparently, “no intention of running for president” means “may actually run for president” in Biden-speak.

Just Friday, he said from a SALT hedge fund conference in Las Vegas: “I may very well do it. At this point, no one in my family or I have made the judgment to run.”

Make up your mind, Joe.

To be honest, it’s not so much that those on the political right care — it’s that your back-and-forth, may and not, no way and yes way rhetoric is hogging crucial media time that could be spent on better things, like discussing whats-her-name Kardashian’s marriage, or the latest slimercise suggestion for the coming bikini months.

Biden for president in 2020?

Great. Yawn. Sounds a winner. See you in 2019. Whatever.

It’s starting to seem a desperate grab for attention.

It’s starting to seem like Biden’s just drumming up some self-esteem boosting interest simply to remain a relevant figure on the political front. ’Cause truth be told, since President Donald Trump’s been in office, the Biden brand has really slipped from memory. Ouch.

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