- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 2, 2017

This is why you don’t give the Democrats an inch.

The left, led by the likes of Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer, had been treading panicky ground in recent months, due to voter rebellion that ushered in Donald Trump to the White House and prior, Republicans in charge of both the House and Senate. Then along came the omnibus spending bill and now the Democrats are crowing once again.

They’re infused with confidence, jolted and reenergized, ready to take on all-things-Republican.

And why shouldn’t they feel that way?

The bill provides about $5 billion in new domestic government spending for programs favored by the left. Sure, there’s a small hat tip to the military — but my God, $8 billion for the Environmental Protection Agency? And within that, a rubber-stamp for climate research at the National Ocean Service to keep on keeping anti-greenhouse gas emission on, with the same $158 million in funding from fiscal 2016?

“We have some sense of relief that the budget for EPA is coming down at only 1 precent less than last year,” said Michael Mikulka, president of the American Federation of Government Employees Local 704, to the left-leaning Think Progress.

No. No, no, no, no and no.

This is not the budget conservatives expected, Mr. President. Giving Democrats something to cheer about is not good politics. It’ll only lead to a damaged Republican image.

Two words: Planned Parenthood.

“It’s beyond frustrating that Congress is poised to pass a government funding bill that continues to fund Planned Parenthood,” said Kristan Hawkins, president son Students for Life of America, in Life Site News.

That’s an understatement. What happened to the Republican majorities in the House, in the Senate, supposedly driven by moral compasses to abolish taxpayer funding for the abortion provider? Were Pelosi and Schumer too much for them to take?

Two more words: Border wall.

No funding there — what a win for the left. That was a key Trump campaign promise, one that served as the backbone for his whole border clamp-down messaging — the messaging that fueled his love at the polls. If that wall’s not built, Trump won’t have a chance at reelection.

Democrats, squirming with glee over their budget wins, know this.

“In a defeat for President Trump, the [budget] does not fund the immoral and unwise border wall or create a cruel new deportation force,” Pelosi said in a letter to fellow Dems, cheering the budget wins.

Voters are puzzled at the budget, to say the least. This is not the Donald Trump who was elected — this is not the bold and brash art of the deal guy who was going to storm into D.C. to drain the swamp, clear the waste and restore common sense to government.

This is a Trump who seemingly caved without a fight. And while it’s true, much of these budget items were hold-overs from Barack Obama days — already in the works for funding — fact is, the average American sees the basic picture, not the minute details. And that basic picture goes like this: No wall. No defunding of Planned Parenthood. But plenty of cheers and jeers from the left. Is this a Republican administration, a Republican-led Congress, or what?

Because once again, it seems like Democrats are winning. And this is not what voters want to hear.

Let’s hope the upcoming budget battles won’t be so glory-filled for the left.

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