- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 2, 2017

California, in all its glorious, leftist vision, may soon offer residents a third option on the portion of state documents that ask for the gender of the writer.

There’s male. There’s female. But in California, there may soon be “intersex.”

And state legislators supporting the notion say this isn’t an LGBTQ-driven thing, but rather a recognition of a real, albeit rare, biological occurrence.

“My body looks quite different from other women,” said Sara Kelly Keenan, who uses the pronoun “she” but who was nevertheless issued an “intersex” classification on her New York City birth certificate, in recognition of her being born without sex organs that clearly identified her gender, CBS 13 reported.

And it’s of these people whom California’s lawmakers are thinking, with their “intersex” box option bill. Keenan is actually petitioning for the new gender choice, saying the state ought to allow for placement of “a third, non binary option on IDs including birth certificates and driver’s licenses,” as a matter of inclusion, Breitbart reported.

But here’s a question to consider: Why?

Keenan admitted to identifying as a female — to using the “she” pronoun as a self-reference. Just because she doesn’t look like other women — a somewhat stereotypical statement in itself — the state of California is supposed to revamp its whole driver’s license and birth certificate issuance systems? For the sake of inclusion and to avoid hurt feelings?

As California goes, so, too, will a host of other nations.

What will come is a collapse of the normal, a turn-away from what God makes in favor of what humans devise.

Keenan told reporters in front of California’s Capitol building her main reason for pressing the cause was to make those with gender abnormalities “feel less invisible” in society.

Well, that state of invisibility may be something the small percentage of those suffering the same malady share. But that feeling of not belonging does not justify changing a whole societal system — an entire structure created by God. Fact is, there are two sexes, and two sexes only. Anything outside that parameter is an abnormality, either medical or psychological. And governments shouldn’t be in the business of adopting standards that deviate from the normal, to cater to the biologically or psychologically abnormal.

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