- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Fox News host, attorney and all-around blunt talker Kimberly Guilfoyle has been making the media rounds of late, suggesting personal interest in replacing Sean Spicer as White House press secretary.

This would be a great move for the White House — for President Donald Trump’s defense team.


Guilfoyle’s proven. She’s not afraid to tackle the tough topics, war with the leftists, fight the forces of insanity that have taken over the Democratic Party of late. And she does it with composure and calm, masterfully lassoing the logical points into concise soundbites and issuing them with a tone that says: We’re done here.

What better qualities are needed in a press secretary who’s called, on a daily basis, to wrestle with the mainstream media?

“I’m a patriot and it would be an honor to serve the country,” she said in a recent interview with Mercury News about the possibility of her assuming the White House spot. “I think it’d be a fascinating job. It’s a challenging job and you need someone really determined and focused, a great communicator in there with deep knowledge to be able to handle that position.”

Key No. 1 in hiring a successful presidential spokesperson is finding someone who really wants the job. Key No. 2? Someone who can shift with ease from talk about Syria and Russia to talk about trade to talk about national monuments and job numbers and more, appearing informed and decisive on all counts.

Someone who can stay a step ahead of an angry, anti-Trump press to stave off crises before they develop. Seen Fox News of late? That’s Guilfoyle, to a “T.”

Moreover, Guilfoyle was once married to a Democrat — former San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom. If anybody knows the inner thinkings of the left and is possessed of an ability to predict where the leftist movement is headed, Guilfoyle is.

Not to say Trump is decidedly moving in the direction of firing Spicer. But the whispers are circulating, and if true, a fresh bold face who doesn’t mind taking the offense as a strategy of defense — of playing attack dog to an anti-Trump media — would seem the order of the day.

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