- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Sen. John McCain, self-proclaimed Republican but not-so-secret Democrat, came out in full force against his own party’s president, saying the many scandals rocking the White House lately are reaching “Watergate” proportions.

Easy there, McCain. Let’s reel back the rhetoric a bit and consider a more level-headed look at these so-called scandals.

Remember: Just because Democrats call something a scandal, doesn’t make it so. Next thing, you’ll have us believing President Donald Trump’s committed an impeachable offense — like Rep. Maxine Waters constantly chimes or, most recently, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and CNN’s David Gergen.

The MSNBC mouth Matthews said Tuesday: “Clearly, we’re on the trail there to impeachment,” while discussing Trump’s firing of the FBI’s James Comey.

And CNN’s Gergen, on the same topic, said this: “We’re in impeachment territory.”

Right. We still need the impeachment offense — but potatoes, potahtoes. That’s small fry nit-picking, right there.

But then comes McCain, swooping in from his high perch atop the RINO beast to say this, at a recent International Republican Institute dinner, The Hill reported: The Trump administration’s scandals are hitting a “Watergate size and scale.”

His comments came on the heels of a report that suggested Trump outright asked Comey to quit investigating Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser.

And it didn’t take long for McCain’s anti-Trump rhetoric to go public.

The Daily Beast’s Tim Mak tweeted: “McCain just said at a dinner honoring him that the Trump scandals have reached a ’Watergate size and scale’ — wow.”

Nothing like a Republican giving the left-leaning press a pre-packaged, ready-to-serve anti-Trump shot, yes?

CNN’s Ana Navarro pounced as well, tweeting: “@SenJohnMcCain at IRI dinner now — ’We’ve seen this movie before. It’s reaching Watergate size and scale. … This is not good for the country.’”

Good going there, senator.

Once again, McCain’s revealed his anti-Trump roots, tipping favor the mainstream media’s way and arming the vicious press with more arrows to fire at the White House. The problem is these many so-called scandals to which McCain refers are mostly scandals because they’re presented that way by a Trump-hating left, a complicit media and — sad to say — a few elitist, establishment RINOs, like McCain, swimming around Republican Party ranks. Saying something is scandalous doesn’t necessarily make it so. Labeling something a scandal doesn’t necessarily mean it is.

Watergate, on the other hand, was caught on tape.

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