- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the failed presidential candidate who serves as an independent but brags about being socialist, slammed President Donald Trump as lacking the necessary understanding to be a successful White House chief.

Coming from a socialist, that’d be a compliment, wouldn’t it?

Sanders, from The Hill: “I think, for whatever reason, Donald Trump doesn’t fully understand what being president of the U.S. is about.”

But socialist Sanders, who ran for the high office, would?

No way, no how, never, and not ever could a socialist ever “understand” the presidency — not as Founding Fathers intended the office, as the Constitution explains, at least. As a matter of fact, a self-described socialist as Sanders is — or, excuse me, Democratic-Socialist, same thing — has no business being in a position of political representation in the United States at all.

Sanders’ entire senatorial service is an offense to the nation. His socialist voice ought to be drummed from office — not considered as worthy of listening.

He made the comments about Trump while commenting on the whole Russian thang, from the perspective of The Washington Post’s report on unnamed, anonymously sourced statements.

“When you sit in a room and by the way exclude American media and only have Russian people coming in, and then you tell Russians highly classified information that is endangering our security as a people,” Sanders said, The Hill reported, “this is a big deal.”

Of course, high-ranking Trump officials who attended this meeting, and who did go on record — who were quite willing to be publicly named — disputed the fact the president gave information to the Russians that was classified, never mind highly classified. But like a good socialist, like a good leftist, Sanders cares little for facts or, say, even the principles of journalistic ethics.

“This president better learn what it’s like to be president and not share classified information with people who do not wish us well,” he said, The Hill reported.

Give us a break. Socialists, for the record, do not count. They’re an affront to this country, and to the concept of freedom for all countries. They’re the scum of society — the bottom-feeders, the petulant do-nothings, the whiners and criers and incapable, incompetents of the world. And they certainly do not count in America, land of the democratic-republic, land of the individual first, collective second, land of the rule of law and limited government.

So sit down, Sanders. Go back to your hole. A socialist who criticizes Trump means one thing, and one thing only: Trump must be doing something right.

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