- The Washington Times - Monday, May 15, 2017

Washington, D.C.’s Kara McCullough, the Miss USA winner for 2017, has caused quite a stir with her conservative views.

Among her statements: Health care is not a right, but rather a privilege.

The remark’s extra astonishing because McCullough is black, and therefore, in the minds of liberals everywhere, an automatic Democratic voter who thinks, sleeps and breathes the leftist lines. And chief among those leftist lines of late is the one, thanks to Barack Obama and his socialist Obamacare, that insists: Health insurance is a right, just like breathing.

Oh, McCullough, what a breath of fresh air in a stale, boring beauty contest world you are.

Another of her beliefs that has social media, post-crowing, in a complete shock? She thinks feminism is kind of sexist.

Look at this tweeted comment from one angry leftist writer: “The winner of #MissUSA says health care is not a right & feminism is bad. It’s like Ben Carson saying slaves came to [USA] to have opportunity.”


“A brown girl won #MissUSA,” tweeted one more angry voice from the left, “but she thinks affordable healthcare is a privilege and feminism is man-hate so she’s cancelled. #ByeGirl.”

It’s always awesome when the left’s hypocrisy on topics tied to tolerance and diversity are exposed.

They just don’t know what to do.

Seriously, black conservatives confuse the heck out of the left. Leftists either have to ignore or attack. They cannot intelligently argue or discuss.

And since McCullough, winning the national crown as she did, cannot be ignored, the left’s left with attack.

So it’s this, as yet another vicious leftist tweeted: “It’s always funny when dumb broads try to sound smart. #MissDC.”

Where’s the Black Lives Matter movement on this, coming to her defense? The Rev. Al Sharpton, anyone? Jesse Jackson? ACLU?

Right. Don’t hold your breath.

McCullough’s answer to the question of health care being a right or privilege has sent her into the Uncle Tom camp for eternity — the one occupied by the likes of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. That’s where blacks are put who don’t meet the Democratic mantra.

But for the record, this is what McCullough said: “I’m definitely going to say [health care’s] a privilege. As a government employee, I am granted health care, and I see firsthand that for one to have health care, you need to have a job. Therefore, we need to continue to cultivate this environment that we’re given the opportunities to have health care as well as jobs to all the American citizens worldwide.”

And on feminism?

“As a woman scientist in the government,” McCullough said, “I would like to lately transpires the word feminism to equalize. I don’t really want to consider myself — try not to consider myself like this die hard, you know, like oh, I don’t really care about men, but one thing I want to say, though, women, we are just as equal as men when it comes to opportunity in the workplace.”

Bam! That’s the sound of the Democratic Door of Embrace shutting on McCullough, a woman whom — had her views been rooted in victimhood arguments — would’ve been inundated by requests from the left to appear and speak at the next impeach President Donald Trump rally.

But now?

The left’s stutter-stepping on McCullough, to put it mildly. She’s black, so Democrats want to embrace her. But she’s conservative, so Democrats are confused. Then she poked the Obamacare bear by undercutting the beam that was keeping the socialist health care plan alive — the beloved leftist argument health care’s a right. — and by refusing to act like a female victim of male dominance.

And for that — McCullough must go. Scholarly and beauty accomplishments be danged. She’s now become a pariah to the left.

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