- The Washington Times - Saturday, May 13, 2017

A Tennessee woman, apparently discontent with her congressman’s remarks at a town hall held at the University of Tennessee-Martin, did what any normal, curious and courteous constituent would do to have her followup concerns addressed — she chased his car down, forced him off the road and started screaming and banging on their windows.

You guessed it. The congressman, David Kustoff, is a Republican. And for Republicans the nation over, it’s getting pretty dang dangerous out there.

This particular story ended with Wendi Wright, 35, being arrested and charged with felony reckless endangerment. And the specifics of her charges come down to this: She allegedly chased Kustoff and his aide, Marianne Dunavant, in her car as they drove from the town hall event, ultimately intimidating them to the point that they pulled into the driveway of somebody they knew.

That’s when Wright allegedly got out of her car, approached theirs, and began to scream and rant, pound their windows and, at one point, reached inside their vehicle. She also stepped in front of their car to prevent the congressman and his aide from leaving, police said.

Wright ultimately left the scene — but was apprehended after she posted details of the incident to her Facebook page. And it’s that little facet of the story that seems most remarkable.

Think about it: Wright was so proud of her behavior that she put it out there for the world to see. She felt no shame; no need to hide her actions.

Is Wright demented? Or just an average Democrat in the Trump era?

Certainly, the atmosphere in the country has turned much more accepting of violence as a form of leftist political protest in recent months — since the rise of President Donald Trump, in fact.

College campuses are filled with angry, ignorant students influenced by politically progressive and Marxist professors who don’t mind tossing a rock or two at building windows whenever a conservative speaker comes to town. The streets are filled with anarchy-minded individuals who seem to take whatever cause of the day — women’s rights, for example, or climate change — and turn it into a vicious anti-Trump drumbeat that ends with cars ablaze, people injured and general mayhem inflicted.

The congressional halls of Democratic offices are filled with calls to impeach Trump, finding an actual impeachable offense be danged. And the media, the ever complicit media, don’t mind rising from the mud, when opportunity presents, to join the anti-this, anti-that fray as well.

Just a few days ago, police in West Virginia’s Capitol arrested a journalist, Daniel Ralph Heyman, who they said was “aggressively breaching the Secret Service agents to the point where agents were forced to remove him a couple of times from the area,” ABC News reported, citing an officer.

Apparently, Heyman was also allegedly “causing a disturbance” by yelling questions at Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price — stupid questions, no less.

Heyman, in a followup interview with the Associated Press, said he was “arrested after he repeatedly asked Price about whether domestic violence is a pre-existing condition under the Republican health care proposals and got no response,” ABC reported.

Hey, Heyman: You probably got no response because there was no response to give. The question was aimed at inciting an emotional backlash; it had no basis in logic or fact.

Heyman, of course, has now become the cause celebre for the media to talk about the First Amendment — from an anti-Trump point of view, of course.

The whole fiasco could have been easily avoided.

Price, just a short time later, held a public news conference where he fielded journalists’ questions. In other words: Heyman could’ve waited his turn. He just wanted to stir trouble.

All this, meanwhile, comes on the heels of an appeal by a Huffington Post editor-at-large for leftists to simply hound those of the pro-Trump camp by following Republican politicians to their places of work, places of dining, places of living, and stand outside and protest and demand answers. Answers to what? Apparently, to why they’re Republicans, refusing to vote Democratic.

But this is the tone and atmosphere of the country right now. And it’s one created and fueled solely by the left. So what’s a good Republican to do to stay safe?

The easy answer, of course, would be to hide and go underground — to keep quiet, to cower and run. But this is what the left wants. And why should they win? The voters, after all, have spoken.

No, what’s called for in the face of these bullies is to fight harder. Bullies don’t back down unless they’re met with a force that’s to be reckoned with. And how do you best fight lying, deceptive, argumentative, angry, irrational, violent socialist-minded partisans with intent on corrupting the Constitution and destroying the greatness of America? With truth. With courage. With the full armor of God — including the breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith and sword of the spirit.

In the face of such power, evil, as these lunatic leftists represent, can only flee.

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