- The Washington Times - Friday, May 12, 2017

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, with one quick stroke of the pen, overturned some lax criminal policies of the previous Barack Obama administration — the ones that said certain suspects ought to only be charged with minimum offenses.

Out with the soft-on-crime liberal mindset; in with the get-tough-on-crime conservative approach. And wait for it, wait for it. The left is sure to sue.

Sessions in a memo told prosecutors to go for the gusto — to “charge and pursue the most serious, readily provable offense” possible.

Drug offenders, in particular, should be quaking in their boots.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s policy was to give these type suspects a break and let them escape mandatory prison sentences by charging them with lesser offenses.

Sessions’ memo makes clear: No more.

Finally. In a country that’s drifted from the fact that drugs are bad, sobriety is good — witness, the emergence of the multi-state OKs for recreational pot use — it’s refreshing to put that law-and-order twang back into the Justice Department.

But the left, no doubt, is gearing to squeal about the inherent racism of Sessions’ order — about the racist tendencies of police to already target blacks for shootings, and now, the seeming go-ahead to further target them for arrest for drug offenses.

This is all partisan deception, though.

Simply put, those currently using or selling drugs can take this memo as a heads-up. Tell your friends, tell your family members. Anybody currently tied to drugs can simply choose now to quit their drug-tied activities. Black, white, Hispanic, what have you — if you’re not tied to drugs, you won’t be arrested for drugs.

Simple solution, right?

One would think. But watch out: When Black Lives Matters meets American Civil Liberties Union meets Democratic Party leftists, even the simple turns problematic.

It won’t be long before the howlings of the left convolutes the Trump administration’s law-and-order approach to — well, law and order. The lawsuits? Get ready. They are a’coming.

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